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Interview with violinist Maria Marica (III)

Monday, 13 November 2023 , ora 10.13

You will perfom on stage Schumann's Sonata No. 3, Prokofiev's Five Melodies, and Frank's Sonata in A Major. Why did you choose these three pieces, and how would you describe them?

This repertoire represents a temporal and spatial journey, so to speak. Schumann's piece is absolutely incredible and unfortunately still relatively unknown. It is, in fact, a piece that emerged from his friendship with Johannes Brahms and Joseph Joachim, who in fact, composed a sonata together- Schumann with Brahms- together with another student of Robert Schumann, Albert Dietrich. They thought about composing Joseph Joachim a sonata for which Schumann wrote the intermezzo and the closure. All three have used Joachim's motto : "FAE - Frei aber einsam"- it's inserted in each part of the sonata. Schumann was so obsessed with this motto, that he considered completing a sonata entirely on his own. That's where this thirt Sonata of Schumann comes from. I don't know why this piece is little known, because it truly is a great piece, composed towards the end of Schumann's life. It is believed that he was going through a difficult period. The music is fantastic. I am really glad that we have the opportunity to perform it in this recital.

Then we will perform Prokofiev's pieces, which were originally liedes without words. However, the composer realized that they weren't as suitable for voice as he thought, so he decided to transcribe them for violin. Thus, an incredible piece emerged, I believe - a series of miniatures marked by the lyricism drawn from the vocel nature of the composition. They actually have a narrarive thread and a story full of fantasy. I think that this fantasy is somehow the common thread of the recital, connecting the three pieces. This fantasy can also be found in Frank's Sonata, one that needs no introduction because the public knows it well and loves it for a good reason. Just how Schumann's Sonata was written out of friendship for the great violinist Joseph Joachim, Frank's Sonata was actually a wedding gist for Eugene Ysaÿe. Therefore, we don't only have fantasy, but also friendship a common element of these pieces.

Which piece is your favorite and why?

I would feel guilty to pick a favorite, because all three of them are equally valuable, but I have to admit that Schumann's Sonata III is something absolutely extraordinary. I feel a connection with this particular piece, and I hope the public will feel how amazing this music is.

Interview by Ana Sireteanu
Translated by Georgiana Morozii,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year II
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu